Stepping Into 2023!


Vianaar began with just two people and has now been in operation for more than 15 years. Our founders, Varun and Naina Nagpal, began their Vianaar journey with a small community of 12 apartments in Reis Magos and have since built over 1000 homes with a team of 550 employees. By being mindful of the natural environment and our impact on it, quality and sustainability have been emphasized at every step of the way.

Every stage of development brought new experiences that influenced how and what we learned, as well as how we advanced. We saw drastic changes in our customer care services, housekeeping, property management, and rental management systems as a result of our realizations along the way. All of these changes have allowed us to support and serve our guests more effectively over time.

What has emerged as the top priority over the years is not only our commitment to providing comfort to all of our guests but also our adherence to conscious practices. We believe that in order to grow as an establishment, we must first grow as a community. With this in mind, we hope to engineer a series of viable projects while our family prospers as well. Here's to another year of growing, changing, and adapting.

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